Meet the Animals


Finley & Hamish

Finley and Hamish are Scottish Highland Steers. They loved to be brushed, eat sunflowers and get special treats like apples, carrots and alfalfa cubes. They are about a year old. Finley is a curly golden color and Hamish is the more traditional red colored cow.


Colt, Chester and Siggy

The friendly Huacaya alpacas are Colt (White), Chester (Brown) and Siggy (Tan). They love alpaca pellet treats and making weird alien noises. These guys are about 5 years old. Chester and Siggy are best friends and are inseperable born just days apart. Colt is the weird third wheel alpaca that prefers hanging with the cows.


Rooster: Crushinator

Crushinator (aka Crushy) was supposed to be a hen Easter Egger when we got him as a baby chick but turned out to be a rooster. He got his name as he was twice the size of all the other baby chicks and would run around on top of all the other chickens. He turned out to be our favorite baby chick, we held him several times a day and has turned into the friendliest rooster you’ll ever meet. So unlike most roosters, he gets to stay on the farm.


We got 6 adult chickens 3 Gold Star and 3 New Hampshire Reds, they all look the same so we haven’t really named them. This was the start of our flock. We then decided to get 12 baby chicks, we miscounted and then had 13 baby chicks and ended up with our 17 hens and 1 rooster. We got a variety of breeds and are unsure on the accuracy of all of them but we know we have: Lakenvelder, 2 Leghorns, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Frizzle (Ms. Frizzle), Crèvecœur, Unidentified Chicken White with Black spots (named Lagavulin), Black Sex Link, Mystic Onyx, Unidentified Chickens Grey (Big Bird and Dark and Stormy).